How it all started
Rubrik makes it easy for businesses to backup, recover, replicate, search, analyze, archive, and copy data in the cloud.
The head of Rubrik’s six-person recruiting team, Neboysa Omcikus, started at the company when there were only 15 employees. Despite growing the headcount to 200, Neboysa knew they were reaching the limits of their capabilities.
The interview process was painful, time-consuming, error-prone, and not scalable for next year’s hiring goals. When the internal software built by their engineers proved unsuccessful, Rubrik turned to GoodTime.
What we were trying to achieve
In 2017, Rubrik aimed to grow by 250%. Moving from 200 to 500 employees meant the six-person recruiting team could no longer afford to dump time into mundane scheduling tasks. The team needed to find a way to recoup at least 30-40 hours each week on scheduling if they were going to hit their targets.
“Recruiting is a reflection of your company as a whole. Candidates start to see that in all the smallest stuff we do. Our candidates say that scheduling through GoodTime is the most efficient process they went through.”
Jessica Chao, Technical Sourcer
A match made in heaven
With GoodTime Hire, the average time it takes the team to set up an interview invite decreased from 20 minutes to just a minute and a half. Candidates now receive automated, customized invitations to select the interview time that works best for them.
When candidates inevitably needed to reschedule, it used to eat up bandwidth. With Hire, replacing an interviewer or rescheduling became barely an inconvenience. All in all, Rubrik saved immense time, stress, and money with Hire — almost like having an extra person on the team.
Where we landed
hours saved each week
reduction in average time to set up an interview invite
less time spent scheduling per week
“With GoodTime, your team gets back 30-40 hours a week. It’s like having another recruiter.”