Join 12,000 TA pros who stress less and crush their goals.

What's Un-miserable?

Un-miserable is GoodTime’s monthly TA and recruiting newsletter. No generic, unhelpful content here – just useful, quick-hit tips and insights straight from real TA leaders.


We think hiring teams could use some more love. If we’re being honest with ourselves, it’s been a bit of a roller coaster (and not in a fun way). Sometimes, it has kind of sucked – but it doesn’t have to. Really.


That’s what this newsletter is all about – sharing real, expert-vetted tips and strategies to help you hit your goals without so much stress. 

So what can I expect in each edition?

Curated content
Nothing generic – only stuff you'll actually care about
Expert advice
Get real, actionable tips and insights straight from experienced experts
Exclusive invites
Opportunities for the Un-miserable community to connect virtually and IRL
A touch of camaraderie
Let's be real – TA can be challenging. We'll navigate the storms together.

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