To gain an edge in today’s competitive job market, hiring teams must pull out all the stops. This means leveling up their candidate experience, maxing perks, and demonstrating company values as best they can. These teams are also investing the time to assess both what they’re doing right, as well as what needs to change.
And with only one in five new hires ever reaching success in their new role, it’s clear that something’s gotta give.
If your team experiences new hires who don’t last, or a shortage of candidates altogether, it’s time to take a long, hard look at how you can turn things around.
Here are five ways your hiring process could be missing the mark.
1. Your Hiring Team Is Burned Out
When interviews aren’t spread equitably across a team, the select few who bear the brunt will eventually wear out.
Especially significant is the fact that oftentimes, the very people facilitating hiring duties double as a team’s highest performers; and while many take pleasure in welcoming new potential employees, burnout can have a negative impact on their productivity, engagement, and overall happiness at work.
Watch how much your URG employees take on. In an effort to meet a company’s DEI goals, employees from diverse backgrounds are often disproportionately tasked with hosting interviews. While diverse interview panels is something GoodTime makes a priority, risking the well-being of your top team members is never worth it.
What to do: Talk to all of your interviewers. How’s their sense of well-being? Is the interview load balanced in an equitable way? Are employees still able to do the job they were hired to do? Is diverse talent carrying a disproportionate amount of hiring duties? If you can’t answer yes to any of those questions, it’s time to make a change.
2. URG Candidates Aren’t Represented
Diversity doesn’t suddenly become important after a candidate starts a new job. It’s critical to blend representation into your candidate experience from day zero.
Your entire hiring experience should be designed to promote inclusion and reduce bias. This gives candidates the assurance that they would be welcomed to the team. The question to ask your hiring team: what barriers do candidates from underrepresented groups run into that give them pause, or cause non acceptance of employment offers?
What to do: Meeting DEI goals isn’t easy, but technology can help. With intelligent interviewer selection, both candidates and interviewers can self-identify as part of a minority group if they choose, then be matched during the interview to someone with common ground. The end result is more inclusion, better candidate engagement, and less biased hiring.
3. Your Interviewers Are Untrained
Nearly 70% of candidates claim that a terrific hiring experience would make them more likely to accept a potential employer’s job offer.
However, more than 1 in 5 hiring managers say they feel rushed to hire quickly, despite not knowing what they’re doing. The way in which interviews are executed — and how candidates perceive these interviews — is mission critical to a successful hiring process.
What to do: Training interviewers doesn’t have to be time-consuming. It simply takes planning and preparation. When armed with a structure to collect unbiased, job-related information, the do’s and don’ts of legal compliance, and an understanding of how to engage with candidates, trained interviewers just might be the edge you need to win over your favorite candidates.
4. Candidates Don’t Feel Empowered
Modern job candidates are looking for a highly personal, easy-to-navigate hiring journey — from start to finish.
Consider the experience of your candidates. Is yours a seamless process, with plenty of touchpoints and status updates along the way? Or is it a clunky and time consuming one that leaves candidates in hiring purgatory for days or weeks on end?
What to do: One of the best ways to create an appealing hiring experience is to put the candidates themselves in the driver’s seat. With a self-scheduling interview tool, candidates select the best time for them, and technology takes care of the rest. By syncing candidate’s chosen times with the right interviewers, hiring teams can focus on more important work, like engaging candidates in meaningful conversations.
5. You’re Running Into Legal Trouble
But wait. There’s more to great hiring than having a fast, easy process. When rapidly growing companies need to hire quickly, too many neglect something as fundamental as complying with fair and legal hiring practices.
Hiring discrimination is strictly prohibited by federal law and can result in substantial legal fees. But too many interviewers know about hiring laws, without understanding how to comply with them. That’s why untrained interviewers can end up costing their companies an average of $40,000 in discrimination lawsuits.
What to do: To avoid legal fees and discriminatory practices, get serious about training your company’s pool of interviewers. Do your interviewers know what’s “right” and “wrong” when it comes to interview questions? Do they have objective, job-specific criteria to use in evaluations?
Make Changes to Your Hiring Process, Now
Good hiring is good business.
Now more than ever, it’s important to take a step back and reassess how your hiring process is going. When you take the time to build a solid foundation, empower your people, and engage with candidates, your team benefits from less burnout and more great hires.
The time is now to implement interviewer training. GoodTime helps you train interviews with ease, giving you one hiring experience solution that lets you track interviewers and their progress and train them at scale. GoodTime gives you the confidence that your selected interviewers evaluate candidates effectively.
Want to learn more? Download The GoodTime Guide to Interviewer Training